Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Darkness Has Taken Hold of Me

I've worked an alternate version of this song for children, since I think they'd like all the scatting, called "Monkeys Have Taken Hold of Me." What it lacks in the dark/light contrast it makes up for in the lack of dark/light contrast. Though the monkeys do eat me. I hope the scatting is not too corny. I like to scat. Might have gone over the top with all the boyzeeboop, but it's all in service of happy heartbreak.

You can download a free copy of this song HERE.

If you want to donate to the cause, feel free. Thanks!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Summer's Gone

This is the end, if it's finished. Of course, if you're following along chronologically, as I'm doing while constructing this alblogum*™, it comes first.

It's the obvious bookend to a series of songs which begins (or ends) with "Summer's On." This is another (another? I don't see any other songs yet!) one from the Fat Baby September '13 show. Actually started the show with it, as the entire show was an answer to the Augustine show (More to come on that) so again, the first shall be last.

Unfortunately due to technical difficulties, we never got a sound recording of this one to share. We do have this lovely video though:

If I remember, I'll record it at some future date and share that song here. Let's see if I don't forget.

Thanks for listening! I hope you like the songs. I love them! I also love you, or at least I try to, in that love everyone kind of way, as opposed to the personal, creepy kind. Both are hard, and both worthwhile. I'm hoping my songs are a way to love the world, as opposed to just myself, though the whole thing is self centered, though all expression is isn't it? Yet we need it, at least the good stuff. I'm saying that my self has worth, and sharing what I think is my best creation.I'd say that's all any of us can do, but in fact we should all do more. Help the poor.

Also, help artists! If you agree these songs have worth, help the guy creating them!


